Expect Problems and You’ll Probably Get Them
Recently, I read an article in Science Daily titled “Stereotypes Can Fuel Teen Misbehavior“. According to the article researchers interviewed a group of teens and their mothers about teen behavior. A year later, the researchers interviewed the group again. The teens whose mothers expected them to be rebellious reported higher levels of risk-taking behaviors than their peers.
I am not surprised by that at all.
The Perils of Popularity
Here are a couple of articles from Science Daily that outline the things young people go through in order to be popular.
The Dark Side Of Adolescent Popularity
“The new study was carried out on 1,319 teenagers at seven schools in Valencia, and shows that teenagers whose social status is questioned by their peers and are socially rejected by their classmates, or who do not have intimate friendships, suffer from greater feelings of loneliness, low self-esteem and low levels of satisfaction with their lives.”
Teens’ Perception That They Are Liked Found To Be At Least As Important As Actually Being Liked
“Teenagers who felt good about their own social standing did well over time, the study found, regardless of how popular they were (popularity was gauged based on assessments by peers at school). These teenagers were increasingly less hostile and more frequently sought out by their peers. Teenagers who were considered popular by their peers also did well, regardless of their own perceptions of their social standing.”
“Adolescents who lacked both a strong sense of their own social acceptance and who were rated by their peers as unpopular fared the worst, according to the study. They were increasingly more hostile, less sought out, and more withdrawn over time.”
- Categories: ArticlesProfessionalTeenYoung Folk Today
C-SPAN’s StudentCam – $50,000 in Prizes
C-SPAN’s StudentCam is an annual national video documentary competition that encourages students to think seriously about issues that affect our communities and our nation. Hurry! Deadline is Jan. 20th, 2010.
Duncan Nugget® #70: The Disappearance of Logic
When emotions fill the room, logic goes out the window.
Everybody has done or said something stupid in the heat of the moment. That’s because, regardless of the situation, the more emotional you become, the more information you ignore. Your limbic system (the emotional brain) takes the driver’s seat and steers you in a direction you may later regret.
Million-Dollar Question:
How do you get your emotions under
control during a peak emotional moment?
There’s no guaranteed trick that works for everybody, but here’s a nugget:
It takes 6-9 seconds for emotion-producing chemicals to flood your system. Giving yourself a ten count (if possible) before you take action will at least give you a chance to deal with the initial flood of emotions.
You don’t have to be a robot. Just chillax. Calm down a little. You will think more clearly and hopefully, your logic will reappear.
- Categories: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeTeenYoung Adult
Duncan Nugget® #143: The Smell of Desperation
Desperation is unattractive. Period. I learned that the hard way. People can smell desperation from a mile away. It stinks of fear, low self-esteem, and hopelessness.
Why is she all up on him like that? She must be desperate.
Why is he acting like he’s going to die if I don’t buy this car? He’s desperate.
Why has he called me 198 times in the last hour? I just met him yesterday. Is he really that desperate?
Even if it is a desperate situation there’s no need for you to act desperate and hopeless.
Act like you know things will get better.
Act like you have an abundance mentality.
Act like you know that there is a power greater than you working on behalf of you.
Million-Dollar Question:
Do you smell like desperation?
- Categories: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsGrit, Perseverance, DiligencePersonal DevelopmentProfessionalTeenYoung Adult
This Is Only for the Open-Minded
People have a hard time dealing with information that contradicts what they think. In fact, it’s not unusual for people to completely ignore (sometimes unintentionally) anything that challenges their beliefs. Most folks only seek information that validates what they want to think and believe.
The Myth of Learning Styles
Science Daily has posted an article debunking the notion of learning styles. This was a hard one for me to accept because I’ve taught many seminars and classes on learning styles. What are your thoughts?
(This is a scientific article, so it’s heavy reading.)
- Categories: ArticlesCharacter DevelopmentPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeYoung Adult