Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

Duncan Nugget® #143: The Smell of Desperation


Desperation is unattractive. Period. I learned that the hard way. People can smell desperation from a mile away. It stinks of fear, low self-esteem, and hopelessness.

Why is she all up on him like that? She must be desperate.

Why is he acting like he’s going to die if I don’t buy this car? He’s desperate.

Why has he called me 198 times in the last hour? I just met him yesterday. Is he really that desperate? 

Even if it is a desperate situation there’s no need for you to act desperate and hopeless.

Act like you know things will get better.

Act like you have an abundance mentality.

Act like you know that there is a power greater than you working on behalf of you.

Million-Dollar Question:
Do you smell like desperation?


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