Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

Duncan Nugget® #51: The Delusion of Success


What do successful, self-motivated, high-achievers and people who play the lottery have in common?

They’re delusional. 

People are motivated more by the perceived probability of success than the actual probability of success. 

I’m about to go outside in this thunderstorm and fly a kite.

Benjamin Franklin. Delusional. 

It’s 1836, I’m 16 years old, and I’m going to tell the world that slavery is wrong and women are just as good as men.

Susan B. Anthony. Delusional. 

I’ve been in jail for 27 years…guess I should run for president.

Nelson Mandela. Delusional.

The next time somebody calls you delusional because the odds are against you accomplishing your goal, thank him or her for the compliment.


The White House Internship: A Public Service Leadership Program


This is a cool internship. It’s a chance to get some hands-on servant leadership experience.

The White House Internship: A Public Service Leadership Program




Q & A: Context is Everything Part 2


[Q & A from Facebook based on Duncan Nugget #39: Context is Everything]

Q: [ Adam Fletcher Sasse] Sometimes we need the context to change though Al. What do we do when the context doesn’t change as fast as we need it to?!?

Adam, good question! The answer is simple (but far from easy):

You have to make an accurate, honest assessment of what is and is not under your control. Focus on the aspect of the context you can control and work on that. Most people spend too much time focused on what they can’t control.

Sometimes we do need (want) the context to change (like the economy). We don’t have complete control over that, but we do have complete control over our spending habits. We do have complete control over attitude and effort.

Gandhi, MLK, Mother Teresa, Joan of Arc, Frederick Douglas, and any other great person in history faced contexts that weren’t changing fast enough. But they honed in on what they could do. They did that with an unstoppable attitude, courage, and sustained, maximum effort.

Eventually the context changed.


Got a question? Use this form to ask Al.


Duncan Nugget® #33: Turn a Pile of Garbage Into A Of Pot Gold


At any given moment you are surrounded by dozens of money making possibilities. In fact, most people have at least one idea per day that could make them financially independent.

Where people saw a pile of garbage, some entrepreneur saw a pile of gold and created the billion-dollar waste management industry.

Million-Dollar Question:
What are you going to do about that 
brilliant idea running around in your head?


Duncan Nugget® #142: Meet Me Halfway


The Black Eyed Peas have a song out called “Meet Me Halfway”. It reminds me of a time, back in the day, when I saw a guy trying to pick up an attractive woman. She was 50-100 feet away. I guess she liked him because she stopped walking to listen. He asked her to come talk to him.

Her response? 

“Meet me half-way.”

You see Success walking by. She’s hot. She likes you. You want Success to be a part of your life, so you ask her to come talk to you.

Her response?

“Meet me half-way.”

Million-Dollar Question:
Are you waiting on success or 
moving towards success?


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