Duncan Nugget® #39: Context is Everything
Imagine that it’s 95 degrees. Is that hot? It depends on the context, doesn’t it?
If it’s the middle of February in Philly, 95 degrees is hot. If 95 is the temperature of your oven while you’re trying to cook a turkey then 95 is cold. It’s the same temperature, but the context changes everything.
“That’s not what I meant. You’re taking it the wrong way.”
Does that phrase sound familiar?
Something said the wrong way or taken out of context can spark an argument or start a war. It’s the same set of words, but the context changes everything.
Your problems can propel you or paralyze you. It’s the same scenario, but your frame of reference—the context—changes everything.
Before you assume, believe, or do anything THINK about the context because context is everything.
Google Diversity Internship Program
Google offers the Building Opportunities for Leadership & Development (BOLD) Diversity Internship Program for Summer 2009. This program is designed to provide exposure into the technology industry for students who are historically under-represented in this field. Use the link below to apply.
- Categories: ArticlesCareer DevelopmentYoung Adult
15 Summer Internships at OCLC
The Online Computer Library Center is looking for 15 interns in the areas of Finance, Marketing, Technical, Library Science, Web Editing/Design, Content Mgmnt & Web Publishing, and Database Development. Use link below to apply.
Duncan Nugget® #66: Black Eyes and Bruises
In the movie Fight Club (starring Ed Norton and Brad Pitt) it turns out that the star characters are alter egos. (They) he has been traveling around the country starting underground fight clubs and literally beating himself up—black eyes and bruises.
That’s bonkers, right? Of course, you would never do anything like that, would you?
Not so fast…
On average, you say (or think) 150-300 words per minute to yourself. If you are like the average person, most of it is negative. You’re beating yourself up—black eyes and bruises.
You would be ready to rumble if people told you some of the things you tell yourself. Cut it out. This ain’t Fight Club.
Million Dollar Question:
Aren’t you tired of giving yourself
black eyes and bruises?
- Categories: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeYoung Adult
‘Diplomas Now’ Program – Keeping At-Risk Youth From Dropping Out
From @educationweek: The Diplomas Now model, spreading in cities across the nation, uses an early-warning system to identify potential dropouts and offers intensive social support to help students make it through.
Check the link below for full article.
Education Week: ‘Diplomas Now’ Offers Potential Dropouts Lots of Help
- Categories: ArticlesProfessionalYoung Folk Today
Duncan Nugget® #107: Rule Breakers Rule the World?
Have you ever noticed that many of the greatest people to ever walk the planet were rule-breakers? Rosa Parks, Ghandi, Frederick Douglass, Galileo, Muhammad Ali, Benjamin Franklin, Socrates, Joan of Arc…just to name a few.
Take a risk.
Take a stand.
Find a few rules to break. After all, the word “rule” doesn’t necessarily mean “right.”
HINT: Make sure you’re breaking the rules for a noble cause.
Youth Service America Awards Young Female Social Entrepreneurs
Two $2000 awards from @youthservice will be given to young female social entrepreneurs in honor Gladys Coccia. Now accepting nominations. Check the link below for details.
Nominations of Young Female Social Entrepreneurs Invited for Gladys Marinelli Coccia Awards
- Categories: ArticlesMisc.ProfessionalYoung Adult