Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

Cash Flow in da Two-Oh-One-Oh!


My New Year’s Slogan:

Don’t you know?! It’s about that cash flow in da two-oh-one-oh!


The Difference Between Quitting and Giving Up


I recently talked to someone who had just quit her unfulfilling, dead-end job. She said to me, “Al, I am really upset. I feel bad. I have never quit on anything before.”

I felt her pain. I could feel where she was coming from. But two minutes after she said that, she was feeling a lot better.

Why? What happened? I helped to her understand the difference between quitting and giving up.

“Quitters never win.”


Sometimes quitters do win. Quit smoking? You win. Quit being lazy? You win. Quit blaming others for your mess? You win.

Quit a dead-end job and you will definitely win.

Some people quit because they give up. Some people quit in order to move up.

Million-Dollar Question: 
Are you giving up or moving up?


National Mentoring Month: Expand Your Universe. Mentor a Child.


General Colin L. Powell will head National Mentoring Month 2010. Since 2002, January has been a time to celebrate mentors and acknowledge the vital role that they play in the development of young people.

National Mentoring Month is spearheaded by the Harvard Mentoring Project of the Harvard School of Public Health, MENTOR and the Corporation for National and Community Service. Click here to read more about this year’s campaign, including the Thank Your Mentor Day™ (January 21st).



President Enacts Federal Funding for Mentoring


President Obama recently signed a measure into law that will provide nearly $50 million in funding for The Mentoring Children of Prisoners Program.

Read the press release here.


U.S. Senate Passes National Mentoring Month Resolution!


Yeah!! The Senate has FINALLY officially recognized January as National Mentoring Month. Thank you Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and John Jerry (D-MA) for introducing the resolution.

Read the full resolution:
U.S. Senate Passes National Mentoring Month Resolution


Duncan Nugget® #52: Time to Do Something Different?


Self-motivation is crucial to achievement. But it will only last if you believe that there is a beneficial relationship between your behavior and your desired outcome.

Million-Dollar Question:
How does what you do in life help you to get what you want out of life?

If your answer is “it doesn’t” or “I don’t know” then why in the world are you doing it?! It’s your life, right? Maybe it’s time to do something different.


MTV: A Thin Line – Campaign to Fight Digital Abuse


Thanks @MTV. I have personally heard from dozens of young people who have been digitally abused. It sucks. Seriously.

In order to help deal with the problem MTV has a new multi-year initiative called A Thin Line to empower America’s youth to identify, respond to and stop the spread of digital abuse. Digital abuse is an emerging issue that includes behaviors like sexting, cyberbullying, and digital dating abuse.

A Thin Line


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The 5 Soft Skills Clusters

Click here for a list of soft skills definitions, and behavioral indicators.