Oswego County Today» Community » SUNY Oswego Hosts Youth Employment Summit
OSWEGO, NY – More than 250 youth from Oswego County School districts convened to learn about the many career choices that await them in the future at the Youth Employment Summit on Oct. 21, held in Sheldon Hall on the SUNY Oswego campus. Hosted by the Workforce Development Board Oswego County, and planned by the Youth Sub-Committee, the event featured a number of workshops on a wide variety of career paths and occupations…
…the highlight of the summit was a special presentation by Al Duncan. Known as the Millennial Mentor, Duncan is a leading motivational speaker for youth and an authority on the Millennial Generation.
He has addressed nearly one million young people worldwide and is the author of My Success Journal for Young People and Get All Fired Up.
“The young people paid attention to every word he said and gave him a rousing, standing ovation. We were fortunate to have such a highly respected and entertaining speaker as Mr. Duncan…” said planning committee member, Karen Merrill of Oswego County Opportunities.
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Oswego County Today» Community » SUNY Oswego Hosts Youth Employment Summit
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Summit teaches kids anti-prejudice messages – CNN.com
Summit teaches kids anti-prejudice messages – CNN.com
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Odle Management Summer Training Conference
Al Duncan trains North Carolina Job Coprs staff. June 2010.
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Al Duncan Testimonial – Power Over Prejudice Summit 2010
Al Duncan was selected to be the closing speaker for the annual Power Over Prejudice Summit, held each year at Georgia Tech. This event trains nearly 700 middle schools students from some 70 schools each year, in how to deal with bullying, stereotyping and how to embrace differences in all individuals. His goal is to charge the students with insuring that they practice what they have learned and to carry those messages back to the rest of the student bodies. The students respond with excitment and true understanding, so much that is is difficult to get them to leave to return to their schools. Al is truly an inspriation and motivator and has contributed greatly to our organization. Thank you!
J. Harry Shannon
Power Over Prejudice Summit
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Al Duncan Testimonial – NYATEP Conference 2010
Al Duncan has that unique ability to simultaneously connect with youth and adults. An immediate kinship was formed with our youth that attended the Youth Conference. For most of our youth it was their first time ever addressing a group of people not their peers and we have no doubt that the confidence to do so came in large measure to their connection with Al Duncan. If you have youth or youth workers that you’d like to hear a motivational speaker give Al a call!
Roger Williams
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[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #206: Change and Improvement
Change is inevitable. Improvement is a choice.
Think about it. Improvement can only happen with change, but change doesn’t guarantee improvement. Improvement starts with having the diligence and wisdom to put forth the right effort at the right time.
By the way, if you think things will improve on the outside without making some improvements on the inside, you are confused.
SELF-improvement is a vital component of life improvement.
People say things like, “It’s time for a change.”
It’s time for some improvement.
Changing jobs or going to a new school; moving to a new city or starting a new relationship might might seem like great ideas, but not if you continue to be the same old person with the same old bad habits, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs.
Million-Dollar Question:
As things continue to change,
how do you plan to improve?
- Categories: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalTeenVideosYoung Adult