Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

Finding Scholarships: A Few Nuggets



There are a ton of websites and a gazillion tips on how to get scholarships. Here are two nuggets and a list of resources that I suggest to students and their families.


Everybody Has A Vice, Right?


I just read an interesting article from MSN about frugal billionaires. I agree with what was written, but I was laughing to myself when I realized all of them, except for Slim, still own multi-million dollar private jets with fuel that cost thousands of dollars every time they take off.

I guess everybody has a vice, huh?



Duncan Nugget® #104: An Irresistible Reason


When it comes to motivation there’s the Push Principle and the Pull Principle.

Push comes from willpower or someone forcing you to act. Pull comes from someone persuading you to act or an irresistible reason.

Force, willpower, and persuasion can be extremely powerful, but they ebb and flow like the tide. An irresistible reason is…irresistible. It gets you moving when you don’t feel like moving because…it’s irresistible. 

Million-Dollar Question: 
What is the irresistible reason that pulls you to your success?


Q & A: How Do You Forgive?


Q: hi! Mr. Duncan, I think I’m at the right place at the right time. I told myself that I will learn how to forgive myself and other people and live in peace with them. But it is so hard and I don’t know what to do anymore. Doreen, South Africa


The SAMMY Scholarship Awards


A friend sent me this info on Facebook:

The SAMMY scholarship awards kicked off recently. If you know a high school student-athlete who excels on the field, in the classroom AND in the community, they should apply! Prize includes a $7,500 scholarship, a trip to Disney and starring in a Milk Mustache ad! Check out for more info and official rules.


Breakthrough Collaborative


This is an awesome program:

At 33 locations across the nation and abroad, Breakthrough Collaborative launches motivated middle-school students on the path to college and prepares older students for careers in education. The core of all Breakthrough programs is a proven students teaching students model.

1. Helps middle school students thrive in the top college preparatory high schools in their communities.

2. Creates teaching opportunities for outstanding high school and college students.

3. Prepares over 700 student teachers and 5,400 college-bound students annually.

4. Ranked as a Princeton Review Top 10 Internship.

5. In its 32-year history, Breakthrough has helped more than 20,000 students prepare for college.


The Leading Soft Skills Training Program for STEM Students. Check out

The 5 Soft Skills Clusters

Click here for a list of soft skills definitions, and behavioral indicators.