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[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #206: Change and Improvement


Change is inevitable. Improvement is a choice. 

Think about it. Improvement can only happen with change, but change doesn’t guarantee improvement. Improvement starts with having the diligence and wisdom to put forth the right effort at the right time.

By the way, if you think things will improve on the outside without making some improvements on the inside, you are confused.

SELF-improvement is a vital component of life improvement.

People say things like, “It’s time for a change.”


It’s time for some improvement.

Changing jobs or going to a new school; moving to a new city or starting a new relationship might might seem like great ideas, but not if you continue to be the same old person with the same old bad habits, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs.

Million-Dollar Question: 
As things continue to change,
how do you plan to improve?


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