Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

Create a National Youth Council?


This is a great idea for helping to empower young people. It’s harder to help them if we don’t hear from them on all levels…including the White House. Action alert from SparkAction: Create a National Youth Council


Al Duncan Testimonial – Multicultural Achievers Program – Butler Street YMCA


Al Duncan is an awesome speaker. He has been the Life Skills Coach for the Multicultural Achievers program for 6 years. He has been coaching and developing youth to reach their fullest potential. Youth admire him and look forward to hearing him spread his wisdom. He is highly professional and has an outstanding positive attitude.

Kathleen Johnson
Butler Street YMCA


Duncan Nugget® #178: They Say It, But They Don’t Live It


They say “I want financial independence” but, they don’t live financial responsibility. 

They say “I’m a christian” or “I’m a Muslim” or whatever religion but, they don’t live the true principles.

They say “I want a good man or woman” but, a lot of times they don’t live the life of a good man or woman.

They say “I want to be successful” but, they don’t live a life based on success principles and service. They don’t grind.

A lot of people say it, but…most don’t live it.

Million-Dollar Question: 
Do you live what you say?


Al Duncan Testimonial – Claflin University Freshman Orientation


Mr. Duncan, you are the greatest. Out of all the speakers I heard during my college experience, he moved me the most. Not only does he bring charisma in his speeches, but he gets his audience involved. He also writes great books, after reading “Get ALL Fired Up!” I found that you are exceptional. It was a pleasure to be in the audience to hear you. I know other students feel the same way. Thanks

Devon Corbin, student
Claflin University


Georgia State University – Financial Literacy


Al Duncan speaking to Georgia State students on financial literacy.
Georgia State University – Alumni Events Calendar


Times-Georgian – Foundation honors life of Lanier Danley


Motivational speaker Al Duncan, president of Al Duncan Enterprises, was the keynote speaker. He talked more about Danley’s legacy and the impact he had on family and friends.

“It’s a powerful thing to be able to fill a room,” he said, referring to the crowded room. “Now we want to be able to fill the state and the nation.”

Times-Georgian – Foundation honors life of Lanier Danley


Al Duncan Testimonial – Diversity Leadership Program


Hearing Al Duncan speak about his time growing up in North Philadelphia and the circumstances he had to overcome was very inspiring. He had the large student group at St. Johns University out of their seats and in-tune with his message. Mr. Duncan’s passion for positively affecting students is transparent. He has an uncanny ability of captivating the audience through his mastery of analogy. Duncan delivers a must-hear message for all students, especially the at-risk youth!

David S. Brown
Diversity Leadership Program


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