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With Awesome Soft Skills Training

The Unstoppable 5%


Statistics show that 95% of the people who make New Year’s Resolutions give up on them by January 15th? Not cool.

Million-Dollar Question: 
Are you part of the 95% or the unstoppable 5%?


Duncan Nugget® #163: The Difference Between a Hero and a Coward


The difference between a hero and a coward is not the lack of fear. It’s the lack of action.

The difference between someone who is making a difference and someone who is merely a bystander is not the lack of fear. It’s the lack of action.

Everyone from heroes to cowards; from difference makers to bystanders experience the same emotions of doubt, anxiety, and worry. Everyone has problems and issues—some greater than others.

When they are your problems and fears they can seem greater and more stressful than others because…they’re YOURS. Difference makers, however, refuse to allow any of those things to keep them from taking action. Cowards and bystanders don’t even know the meaning of action.

Million-Dollar Question: 
What is keeping you from taking action and what are you going to do about it?


Haiti Relief – Ground Zero


Here is a list of organizations ON THE GROUND in Haiti. (Courtesy of the Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.)


Duncan Nugget® #92: Real Education


Real education is about more than cramming knowledge into a person’s head. (That includes yours.) 


Duncan Nugget® #81: The Root of Fear


Many times, what you think you’re afraid of is just a cover-up for a deeper fear.

Let me show you what I mean.

People say they are afraid of public speaking, but a lot of times, what they are really afraid of is embarrassment, ridicule, and failure.

People say they’re afraid of commitment, but what they are really afraid of is being hurt or feeling boxed in.

People say they’re afraid of all kinds of things, but when you dig a little deeper the true source of their fear becomes apparent. The good thing about getting down to the root of your fear is that you can finally figure out how to conquer it.

Million-Dollar Question: 
What are you going to find the REAL source of your fear and then conquer it?


Duncan Nugget® #98: Mental Game. Money Game.


If your mental game isn’t right, your money game will never be right.

Think about that.

Money tends to help you become more of what you are and do more of what you are already doing.

The idiot becomes an idiot with money. Partying becomes more partying. Greedy becomes greedier.

The giver gives more. The smart investor invests more. The helpful person becomes more helpful.  Even when it seems like money has changed a person, most of the time it hasn’t. It has simply revealed who he or she really is.

So, while you’re working on improving your bank account, be sure to keep working on YOURSELF.

Million-Dollar Question: 
Are you working on your mental game 
as much as your money game?


The Hunt for Respect


Be it consciously or unconsciously, most people are on the hunt for respect. Respect is at the core of power and influence. That’s easy to see. Respect is also at the core of communication and motivation. That’s harder to see.

If you are communicating with somebody, especially a teenager, and he doesn’t believe that you respect him, he doesn’t hear you. If you’re trying get somebody motivated and she doesn’t believe you respect her, she won’t be motivated. (Well, maybe she’s motivated to get away from you!)



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