Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

Duncan Nugget® #34: Your Undivided Attention


If there is one thing that’s hard to give and even harder to get, it’s undivided attention.

It seems like there is barely enough time in the day to pay attention to your stuff, let alone somebody else’s, right? Well, guess what? Everybody feels the same way you do.


What is in Your Head and Heart?


“Mr. Duncan, this is crazy! My biochemistry book costs $120!”

“Didn’t you just spend $125 getting your hair done?”


“So, it’s cool to spend that kind of cash on the outside of your head, but not on the inside?”

“I never looked at it like that, but real talk, Mr. Duncan, I gotta get my hair done.”

—conversation between Al Duncan and a college student


What’s in your head (and heart) determines what’s in your life.

Nice hats, expensive sunglasses, earrings, haircuts, and hairdos cost you thousands of dollars. A book on personal or professional development might cost you $25 and could help you make thousands, maybe millions, of dollars.

There’s nothing wrong with taking care of the outside of your head, but take care of the inside too.

Million-Dollar Question:
Do you spend more time, money, and 
energy on the outside or inside of your head?


People, Especially Gen Y, Hate Their Jobs


According to a report by Conference Board, Americans, young and old, hate their jobs. This is a sad state of affairs.

I guess employers need to do better, huh? Maybe. But one of the main tenets of self-help and personal development is “Thou shalt pursue your passion and love what you do.” If you hate your job, remember…

Duncan Nugget #38: 
It’s your life. 
Do something about it.

Check out a good article about the report at
Americans Hate Their Jobs and Gen Y Hates Their Jobs the Most


[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #350: What You Don’t Want


Your mind cannot directly process a negative.

When told not to do something, your mind has to picture doing it first before it can process not doing it. I’ll prove it to you.

Don’t think about your favorite color.

Don’t think about relaxing on the beach on a perfect day.

Don’t think about a pink elephant with blue polka dots and green wings.

Do you see what just happened? Even if it was only for a split second, you thought about each of those things because your mind processes information using images.

Since your unconscious mind does not distinguish between reality and imagination, if you are thinking “I don’t want to fail this test” then you briefly experience failing the test. Not cool.

Work on telling yourself (and other people) what you DO want.

Million-Dollar Question:
Are you focused on
 what you don’t want or what you DO want?


1. “I don’t want to fail this test” is an example of a goal that is focused on what you don’t want. Write this goal in positive terms so that it is focused on what you do want.

2. Write down 3 of your goals. Look carefully at the language you used to write them. Are you using positive or negative language? If any of your goals are written in negative terms, rewrite them in positive language that focuses on what you want.

3. What are some of the reasons and/or excuses that cause many people focus on what they don’t want? How do you or will you keep those reasons/excuses from having the same effect on you?



Duncan Nugget® #82: A Warped Sense of Reality?


Have you ever noticed that regardless of the problems or conflicts that show up in your life there is one thing that remains constant? There is one thing that is ALWAYS there.


A vital component of effectively dealing with conflict, challenges, and difficult people is to be able to determine what YOU contributed to the situation. After all, anybody can be somebody’s difficult person. Think about that.

I know…I know. It’s not all your fault, right? Of course not, but it is your life. A lot of times conflicts are easier to resolve and problems are easier to solve when you start by looking in the mirror. 

Accurate self-assessment is a powerful tool that keeps you from having a warped sense of reality. It helps facilitate change because when you change, things tend to change.

Million-Dollar Question:
What have you contributed to your current challenging situation?


Hispanic Youth Institute: The 2010 Hispanic Youth Symposium


The 2010 Hispanic Youth Symposium, the summer kick-off for the Hispanic Youth Institute, is now accepting applications. HYI inspires Hispanic high school students to achieve a college education, pursue a professional career, and invest in the community as volunteers and leaders.  

Hispanic Youth Institute


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