Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

Duncan Nugget® #163: The Difference Between a Hero and a Coward


The difference between a hero and a coward is not the lack of fear. It’s the lack of action.

The difference between someone who is making a difference and someone who is merely a bystander is not the lack of fear. It’s the lack of action.

Everyone from heroes to cowards; from difference makers to bystanders experience the same emotions of doubt, anxiety, and worry. Everyone has problems and issues—some greater than others.

When they are your problems and fears they can seem greater and more stressful than others because…they’re YOURS. Difference makers, however, refuse to allow any of those things to keep them from taking action. Cowards and bystanders don’t even know the meaning of action.

Million-Dollar Question: 
What is keeping you from taking action and what are you going to do about it?


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