Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

Q & A: Help with My Brother?


Q: I have a personal question to ask about my brother. Your story of your brother kind of taught me, because I am sort of in the same situation.

My younger brother is acting up. He used to be this passionate kid. He worked harder than hard working. He would always be in competition with me. If I got an B in a class he had to get an A. He used to cry at the sight of even having less than an A-.

Now-a-days as he is in high school I have no idea where his motivation went. He is doing horrible in school. He is basically failing every class and does not care. He is also behaving bad too, from talking back to my mother to stealing the cars at my house for a joy ride. He is only 16 years old. I tried talking to him, but all he does is shake me off.

I do not know what to do. Do you have any input?

—Gabriel S.


Blame It On Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, And Nobody


Someone recently reminded me about this story. You’ve probably read it before because it’s easy to find. Nevertheless, it’s a cool little story about blame.



[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #222: New Opportunities. Old Wounds.


New opportunities heal old wounds.

Has anyone you ever known been in a relationship that ended on a sour note?

Perhaps the person was a little depressed; not really doing anything, just sitting around eating, watching TV, or listening to sad love songs and nursing his or her wounds. Finally, someone tells that person that he or she needs to get out of the house and go meet somebody new.

And just like that, life starts to become fun again.

It works the same way with temporary setbacks. So, when you experience a letdown, find a new opportunity (or an old one that you’ve been blowing off)  to pursue as soon as possible.

Million-Dollar Question: 
What new opportunity can you begin to pursue…NOW?


[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #68: Minor Situations. Major Catastrophes.


Continuously making bad choices in minor situations can lead to major catastrophes.

In situations that “aren’t a big deal” people tend to make quick decisions that they regret later. We’ve all done it. We’ve all felt like idiots.

Here’s a super-simple way to help you decide whether or not to take a particular course of action.

Before you make a choice or take any action…PAUSE. THINK. And ASK yourself:

1. How could this help me?
2. How could this hurt me?
3. How could this help somebody else?
4. How could this hurt somebody else?

Million-Dollar Question:
Are your answers acceptable or unacceptable?

Obviously, buying a house, choosing a college, or any other major decision would require you to consider many other factors. You may be surprised, however, with how much this little process will help you make better choices in minor situations.


Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund


Since 1978, Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund has awarded scholarships to help over 500 women across the United States attend college.


How To Tell Your Story In Professional Settings


Over the last ten years or so, personal branding has become one of the “new”, hot and sexy topics in the world of personal development. (It’s one of my most requested topics.)

As people scurry all over the place looking for a competitive advantage in a crowded market place, personal branding experts and advice have been popping up everywhere.

Deliver value. Promote your uniqueness. Be consistent and authentic. Get Get a blog. Develop an online presence and please don’t post anything stupid online. Do those things and you’ll be able to develop a strong personal brand.

Is that really all there is to it? Eh..not quite. There’s something missing.


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The 5 Soft Skills Clusters

Click here for a list of soft skills definitions, and behavioral indicators.