Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #53: Soft Skills Make All The Difference


Hard skills—technical skills—might get you an interview. They could land you a job. They might even get you some business.

But hard skills combined with great soft skills such as: communication skills, leadership skills, teamwork, Emotional Intelligence, self-motivation, customer service, and conflict resolution—will put you in an entirely different league.

Soft skills will get you the job and the promotion. Soft skills will get you the business and a relationship that keeps them coming back.

So, read a book, take a class (like public speaking), or join an organization. Better yet do all three.

Work on your soft skills. They make all the difference.

Million-Dollar Question:
How committed are you 
to improving your soft skills?


[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #221: Never Convict An Innocent Person


Setbacks and failure can leave a person wallowing in the mud of past misery. Unless you are a cute, little piggy you have no business splashing around in the mud!

Humans are the only creatures on this planet that willingly live the same misery over and over again.

You imagine it. You experience it. You remember it.

Too many people continuously convict themselves for past mistakes and mishaps. It makes no sense to constantly punish yourself in the present for an honest mistake you made in the past

“I made an honest mistake. Now I know better, so I’ll do better.”

If that statement is true for you, then you need to give yourself a pardon. Otherwise, you’re convicting the new and improved you (an innocent person) for something that the old you did.

Never convict an innocent person.

Million-Dollar Question:
What do you need to pardon (forgive) yourself for?


Al Duncan Testimonial – Tarrant County College


Al Duncan was high content and exteremly impactful. Students loved Al Duncan becauase he was exteremly practical and personable. For instance, Al’s keynote address provided our student-body with practical steps to imporve their personal effectiveness and leadersship qualities. His “Duncan Nuggets” proved to be a instant hit as one student wrote, “I loved Al, he had very common sense ideas that people simply overlook. His “Duncan Nuggests are everyday phrases you can take with you for a long time, and he will conversate with you after the event.” Simply said, Al Duncan has style and sustance. Lionel L. Bailey Student Development Asso. Center for Leadership Development

Lionel Bailey
Tarrant County College





Tarrant County College – Leadership eXperience Summit: Leading in the 21st Century, Unleashing Millennial Leaders


Bilboard/poster from the Tarrant County College 11th Annual Leadership eXperience Summit.


The Leading Soft Skills Training Program for STEM Students. Check out

The 5 Soft Skills Clusters

Click here for a list of soft skills definitions, and behavioral indicators.