KFC Brings Back $20,000 Twitter Scholarship Promotion
KFC has brought back its $20,000 Twitter scholarship promotion for the second year, awarding $20,000 to the high school senior who sends the winning message via the popular social media site. This year’s KFC Colonel’s Scholars program application process requires a photo entry. The deadline is December 8, 2011.
High School Dropout Factory
Recently, I was reading How to Identify a High School Dropout Factory (U.S. News and World Report). I haven’t quite decided how I feel about what was presented—need to do a little more research—but the article was interesting. It suggests 5 main areas of concern:
Q & A: Do You Have Scholarships For Left-Handed People?
Q: Do you have scholarships for left handed people. I have heard about that. Is it true?
[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #190: Fire Hazards And Flammable Material
People spend way too much time putting out fires in their lives. I’m talking about preventable, avoidable problems that end up becoming a raging inferno of destruction in your life.
It makes no sense.
If you want to spend less time putting out fires then get rid of the fire hazards and flammable material in your life.
If all of your friends are idiots…duh! That’s a serious fire hazard.
Spending money you don’t have, procrastination, and other bad habits like those are flammable materials. They can cause your dreams and opportunities to go up in smoke.
If you spend a little more time getting rid of the fire hazards in your life and keeping flammable material away from your goals and aspirations, you’ll spend less time putting out fires.
Million-Dollar Question:
How soon are you going to remove the fire hazards and flammable materials in your life?
1. What are the top 3-5 little problems that become big problems because people don’t take care of them right away?
2. What steps do YOU take (or should you take) to prevent little issues and bad habits from becoming major problems in your life?
3. What you do when a person is the problem in your life? What would you suggest to a friend who was trying to keep “people” problems from messing up his or her life?
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsGrit, Perseverance, DiligencePersonal DevelopmentProfessionalTeenVideosYoung Adult
Top 50 Events for Young Entrepreneurs | Under30CEO
In case you didn’t know…I am BIG on entrepreneurship for young people. The skills they develop are invaluable and the impact on their communities is immeasurable. Here are some pretty cool events listed on one of my favorite blogs by young people for young entrepreneurs. Top 50 Events for Young Entrepreneurs | Under30CEO
3 Expensive Myths About College [MSN Money]
Great info in these two articles. I see way too many parents and students falling for this stuff.
[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #197: Protecting Your Momentum
There are few things harder than starting.
Starting what?
Anything that is a worthwhile endeavor.
It takes a lot of energy to get started. The Space Shuttle uses the most fuel during take off. Your car uses the most battery power when it’s starting up. Think about that. It recharges when it’s running.
Getting started in school or starting a new job, exercise program or business, is challenging because you’re creating momentum and fighting inertia: the natural tendency of an object to resist a change in motion.
Be careful. It’s the start-up phase that breaks a lot people. But not you, right?
You want to take at least one action step, daily, that will help you build and protect your momentum because one thing that’s harder than starting is starting over.
Million-Dollar Question:
What are you committed to doing to
build and protect your momentum?
1. Have you (or someone you know) ever been doing really well at something and then just stopped working on it? What happened? If it could be done all over, what would you do or suggest the person does differently? How will you use this knowledge in your future endeavors?
2. In your opinion, what are the 3 main reasons people have a hard time getting started on their goals? Have any of those things ever affected you? How? What did you do about it?
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsGoals & ProductivityPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalTeenVideosYoung Adult