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With Awesome Soft Skills Training

Duncan Nugget® #367: Haterism


I just finished reading this article Why Do People Hate on Young Entrepreneurs? and it reminded me of the following nugget.

Duncan Nugget® #367:
Haterism is an excuse. It gives people a chance to justify their bitterness and mediocrity.

“If I only had this…”

“If only my parents did this…”

“If only my life was like this…”


If you only had no haterism and made no excuses you would be headed towards success. Then you would be on the other side of the fence and…

Somebody would be hating on you.

Think about that.

Million-Dollar Question:
Are you allowing haterism to keep you stuck in mud of mediocrity?


10 Most Attractive Employers for Young People 2010


Universum, an employer branding company, recently surveyed nearly 130,000 students at top academic institutions around the world and asked the students to chose their ideal companies to work for. The Millennials have spoken. Here are the top ten business and engineering employers:


  1. Google
  2. KPMG
  3. Ernst & Young
  4. PricewaterhouseCoopers
  5. Deloitte
  6. Procter & Gamble
  7. Microsoft
  8. The Coca-Cola Company
  9. J.P. Morgan
  10. Goldman Sachs


  1. Google
  2. Microsoft
  3. IBM
  4. Sony
  5. BMW
  6. Intel
  7. General Electric
  8. Siemens
  9. Procter & Gamble
  10. Apple

The original lists include the top 100 attractive employers. Yo can read them here.


Duncan Nugget® #360: Your Own Business Equals Free Time?


Somebody just told me he wanted to start his own business so that he could have more free time. HA!!! Boy is he gonna be surprised. LOL. Time is never free and with any business, it takes a few years before you have some to spare.

You make a living from 9 to 5. You make a fortune from 5 to 9.

Think about that…or you might miss it.

Million-Dollar Question:
Do you really think owning your own business equals more free time?


Finding Scholarships: A Few Nuggets



There are a ton of websites and a gazillion tips on how to get scholarships. Here are two nuggets and a list of resources that I suggest to students and their families.


Everybody Has A Vice, Right?


I just read an interesting article from MSN about frugal billionaires. I agree with what was written, but I was laughing to myself when I realized all of them, except for Slim, still own multi-million dollar private jets with fuel that cost thousands of dollars every time they take off.

I guess everybody has a vice, huh?


Duncan Nugget® #104: An Irresistible Reason


When it comes to motivation there’s the Push Principle and the Pull Principle.

Push comes from willpower or someone forcing you to act. Pull comes from someone persuading you to act or an irresistible reason.

Force, willpower, and persuasion can be extremely powerful, but they ebb and flow like the tide. An irresistible reason is…irresistible. It gets you moving when you don’t feel like moving because…it’s irresistible. 

Million-Dollar Question: 
What is the irresistible reason that pulls you to your success?


Q & A: How Do You Forgive?


Q: hi! Mr. Duncan, I think I’m at the right place at the right time. I told myself that I will learn how to forgive myself and other people and live in peace with them. But it is so hard and I don’t know what to do anymore. Doreen, South Africa


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