Duncan Nugget® #156: They Never Listen
Don’t they get on your nerves? They never listen. You try to say things in a different way. You try to explain yourself clearly. You try to have patience, but none of that seems to work because they just don’t listen.
Who are “they”?
If you’re a parent, they are you kids.
If you’re teen, they are your parents.
If you’re a student, they are your teachers and professors.
If you’re an educator, they are your students.
If you’re the boss, they are your employees.
If you’re an employee, they are your managers, supervisors, and your boss.
If you’re a woman, they are men.
If you’re a man, they are women.
If you’re smart, they are idiots.
According to those nine statements, NOBODY listens. And it’s always “their” fault. Interesting.
Million-Dollar Question:
Do YOU really listen or are you one of “them”?
Raising kids may lower blood pressure?!?!
I know quite a few parents who would laugh uncontrollably—while taking a blood pressure pill or having a drink—if someone told them that their kids are lowering their blood pressure. But according to this article it might be true. LOL
- Categories: ArticlesProfessional
Duncan Nugget® #91: An Ongoing Process
I once heard Earl Nightingale—known as the “Dean of Personal Development”—say that people act like education is a vaccination.
“I’ve been educated.”
The Unstoppable 5%
Statistics show that 95% of the people who make New Year’s Resolutions give up on them by January 15th? Not cool.
Million-Dollar Question:
Are you part of the 95% or the unstoppable 5%?
- Categories: Character DevelopmentGrit, Perseverance, DiligencePersonal DevelopmentProfessionalTeenYoung Adult
Duncan Nugget® #163: The Difference Between a Hero and a Coward
The difference between a hero and a coward is not the lack of fear. It’s the lack of action.
The difference between someone who is making a difference and someone who is merely a bystander is not the lack of fear. It’s the lack of action.
Everyone from heroes to cowards; from difference makers to bystanders experience the same emotions of doubt, anxiety, and worry. Everyone has problems and issues—some greater than others.
When they are your problems and fears they can seem greater and more stressful than others because…they’re YOURS. Difference makers, however, refuse to allow any of those things to keep them from taking action. Cowards and bystanders don’t even know the meaning of action.
Million-Dollar Question:
What is keeping you from taking action and what are you going to do about it?
- Categories: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsGrit, Perseverance, DiligencePersonal DevelopmentProfessionalTeenYoung Adult
Haiti Relief – Ground Zero
Here is a list of organizations ON THE GROUND in Haiti. (Courtesy of the Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.)
- Categories: ArticlesProfessionalTeenYoung Adult
Duncan Nugget® #92: Real Education
Real education is about more than cramming knowledge into a person’s head. (That includes yours.)