Duncan Nugget® #66: Black Eyes and Bruises
In the movie Fight Club (starring Ed Norton and Brad Pitt) it turns out that the star characters are alter egos. (They) he has been traveling around the country starting underground fight clubs and literally beating himself up—black eyes and bruises.
That’s bonkers, right? Of course, you would never do anything like that, would you?
Not so fast…
On average, you say (or think) 150-300 words per minute to yourself. If you are like the average person, most of it is negative. You’re beating yourself up—black eyes and bruises.
You would be ready to rumble if people told you some of the things you tell yourself. Cut it out. This ain’t Fight Club.
Million Dollar Question:
Aren’t you tired of giving yourself
black eyes and bruises?
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeYoung Adult
Duncan Nugget® #95: Health and Wellness
I once saw someone working out on the treadmill while she was reading a tabloid. The publication was three levels below the National Enquirer. The story that she was engrossed in was about Elvis and Bruce Lee being kidnapped by aliens.
How ironic is that? She was taking good care of her body, but cramming all of that garbage into her mind.
Eating healthy and thinking healthy go hand because the mind and body have inescapable effect on each other. Substances introduced to the body affect the mind; processes introduced to the mind affect the body.
Million-Dollar Question:
Are you eating AND thinking healthy?
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeYoung Adult
Duncan Nugget® #151: What Drives You?
Are you driven by your dreams or your distractions; your goals or your gaffes; your ideas or your fears? If you don’t know what drives you, you don’t know where you’re going.
Million-Dollar Question:
What drives you to do what you do?
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeYoung Adult
Your Impact
Million Dollar Question:
How many lives will be positively
impacted by what you do?
As long as the answer is more than “just me”, you are already on the right path. The more lives you reach the more blessings you reap.
Duncan Nugget® #47: Focus on Your Strengths, Manage Your Weaknesses
One of the secrets of success is to constantly get better at what you do best and learn to manage or delegate when it comes to your weaknesses.
Focus on your strengths, manage your weaknesses.
Spend SOME of your time focusing on your weaknesses; spend MOST of your time focusing on your strengths.
In other words focus more on what you CAN do and less on what you can’t do. It’s not a question of “what’s wrong with you?”
What’s RIGHT with you?
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeYoung Adult
Duncan Nugget® #94: Your Significant Other
In relationships, most men are driven by the desire for trust, acceptance, and appreciation. Most women are driven by the desire for caring, understanding, and respect.
Maybe it’s time to “un-significant” them?
Duncan Nugget® #16: Self-Development
Did you know that you become the “average” of the 5 people with whom you associate the most? So…
“If you are the smartest person in your group, you need a new group.”
–Dr. Dennis Kimbro
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeYoung Adult