7 Online Soft Skills Quizzes
Duncan Nugget® #312:
Accurate self-assessment is crucial to exceptional performance.
Where do you stand on your soft skills? If you are not sure, here are 7 quick and easy quizzes about a few of your soft skills.
- Topics: ArticlesCareer DevelopmentCharacter DevelopmentPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeSoft SkillsTeenYoung Adult
[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #37: A Step Towards Mastering Your Emotions
Your limbic system is the part of your brain that produces emotions. Did you know it initially responds to mental and emotional threats exactly like it does to physical threats?
If your character or beliefs are attacked or if you feel disrespected or embarrassed, what happens? Your natural defense mechanism kicks in. It’s called flight-or-fight response.Your body says, “it’s time to run or rumble.” You think things like, “let me get out of here or I’m going hurt somebody.” That’s why mastering your emotions is challenging.
You can take a step towards mastering your emotions by training yourself to effectively deal with mental and emotional threats.
It starts with awareness. Then you diligently work on improving your Emotional Intelligence, communication, and conflict resolution skills.
Million-Dollar Question:
What are you willing to do to take a step towards
mastering your emotions.
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsGrit, Perseverance, DiligencePersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeTeenVideosYoung Adult
[POSTER] Duncan Nugget® #24: Your Comfort Zone
One way or another, you end up in your comfort zone.
- Topics: Character DevelopmentGrit, Perseverance, DiligencePersonal DevelopmentPostersProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeTeenYoung Adult
[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #202: Live Your Life
A few years ago, I saw the following statement on a student’s Facebook status:
“Oh I get it! The point of life is to live.”
As you can imagine, his status immediately generated a couple of sarcastic comments:
“AHAHA you hit the nail on the head didnt you?”
People were clowning him and I’m not sure if he was serious or not , but that is a profound statement: the point of life is to live.
A lot of people spend their whole life dying. Dying from stupidity. Dying of mediocrity. Dying of boredom. Dying of loneliness. And the list goes on. They do nothing. They just fade away and completely waste a precious gift.
Enjoy your life.
Do something awesome with your life.
LIVE your life. You deserve it.
Million-Dollar Question:
Are you really living your life?
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeTeenVideosYoung Adult
[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #26: Contagious
There are few things more nerve-wracking than being stuck at work or on a plane next to someone who is constantly coughing.
You’re sitting there thinking, “I better not get sick or I’m going to hurt somebody.”
When people are coughing like that it’s easy to see that they might be contagious, but we are often unaware of the subtle ways that people are contagious.
The limbic system is the part of your brain that produces emotions. Scientists have discovered that it’s an open-loop system. Which means the moods and attitudes of one person transmit signals that can alter the heart rate, hormone levels, sleep rhythms and immune functions inside the body of another person. And the person may not even realize what happened.
That’s deep.
People are always contagious.
Million-Dollar Question:
What attitudes and moods are you and the people you hang around infecting each other with?
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeTeenVideosYoung Adult
[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #179: Old Excuses
New year.
Old excuses.
Man…it seems like some people are just destined to be LAME.
Million-Dollar Question:[break]Are you still making the same old excuses[break]in a new year?
- Topics: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsGrit, Perseverance, DiligencePersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeTeenVideosYoung Adult
Duncan Nugget® #72: How Do You Define Yourself?
People act consistent with who they believe they are.
THINK about that.
If you define yourself as being exceptional then you act like it. If your self-definition is based on mediocrity then you act like it.
Exceptional individuals live in high definition. They have an accurate, internal picture of who they are and what their purpose is.
An inaccurate self-definition will eventually lead to self-sabotage.
When you’re confused about your behavior, figuring out your self-definition will help you pinpoint the cause and make sense of what’s going on. It’s hard to make lasting, positive changes and maximize potential when you don’t have a clear understanding of how you define you.
Million-Dollar Question:
How do you truly define yourself
and who or what influenced your definition?
- Topics: ArticlesDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeTeenYoung Adult