Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training


Millennials have the most brain power?!


According to an article in The New Scientist, your brain power peaks at 22 and lasts for 5 years. At 27 a long, slow decline in brain power begins. That means that the Millennials  have the most brain power. Huh?!

The five ages of the brain: Adulthood – New Scientist



Public Speaking Tips 4: Where are your eyes?


continued from part 3

There are thousands (maybe millions) of tips on the web for improving your public speaking skills. Some are absolutely garbage, like:

“Don’t really look at people. Just find a spot in the back of the room and focus on that.”



Identity Theft Tip 5 – Somebody Stole My Personal Brand?


Do you share a computer with someone? Identity thieves love to get your info off of shared computers. They get into your bank accounts, Facebook, or whatever. This just happened to a young person I know.

The id thief sent out crazy messages and posted XXX photos. This did serious damage to the young lady’s personal brand and reputation. Not cool.


Be careful when sharing computers. Be sure to clear all cookies and passwords when finished.


The Millennials: Is Anybody Listening?


This is a touching video featuring students from Village Academy High School in Pomona, California. The lives of these students have been severly impacted by the state of the economy. The video even caught the attention of President Obama who went to visit the school and meet with the students.


Duncan Nugget® #106: Become Exceptional


It might be time to cut back on some things in your life that you only do at an average level so that you can spend more time becoming exceptional at one or two things.

Easier said then done?

Hey…it’s called “exceptional” for a reason.

Exceptional people make more money. Exceptional people have more time freedom. Exceptional people tend to be healthier and lead more fulfilled lives.

Million-Dollar Question: 
What do you do at an exceptional level?

If you answered “nothing”, then cut back on something (like TV) and work on becoming exceptional.


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