Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

Announcing Teen Voices’ 20 Under 20 Short Story Competition! | Teen Voices


A lot of you have been asking me about getting your fiction writing published. Check this out.

Announcing Teen Voices’ 20 Under 20 Short Story Competition! | Teen Voices


Best Online Colleges: The Top Online Universities and Schools


Here’s a site that helps you find the best online colleges based on your preferences.

Best Online Colleges: The Top Online Universities and Schools


[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #223: Under Your Control?


After a setback, many people spend too much time agonizing over things they have little or no control over. So, when you are preparing for your next opportunity, do a little inventory.

Identify what is and isn’t under your control.

Make a list of everything that must happen in order for your opportunity to be a successful endeavor. Next, label each item on your list as “under your control” or “not under your control.”

Now, take action on what’s under your control.

For example, being well prepared for an interview is under your control. Being the most qualified and experienced person for the job isn’t under your control. Chances are, you cannot do anything about who else is being interviewed for the position.

WARNING: Be careful of passing the buck or playing the blame game.

Million-Dollar Question:
Are you being completely honest about 
what is and isn’t under your control?


Operation HOPE Raises Nearly A Billion Dollars for Underserved Communities


Here’s an excerpt from a news release I just read on Operation HOPE. This is a staggering accomplishment.

LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–In continuing its mission to help under-resourced individuals build wealth globally, financial literacy and economic empowerment, nonprofit Operation HOPE, Inc. (HOPE) celebrated its 19th anniversary, announcing that it has cumulatively raised and directed nearly $1 billion in support of low-income communities in the U.S. and worldwide…

You can read the entire news release here.


[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #53: Soft Skills Make All The Difference


Hard skills—technical skills—might get you an interview. They could land you a job. They might even get you some business.

But hard skills combined with great soft skills such as: communication skills, leadership skills, teamwork, Emotional Intelligence, self-motivation, customer service, and conflict resolution—will put you in an entirely different league.

Soft skills will get you the job and the promotion. Soft skills will get you the business and a relationship that keeps them coming back.

So, read a book, take a class (like public speaking), or join an organization. Better yet do all three.

Work on your soft skills. They make all the difference.

Million-Dollar Question:
How committed are you 
to improving your soft skills?


[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #221: Never Convict An Innocent Person


Setbacks and failure can leave a person wallowing in the mud of past misery. Unless you are a cute, little piggy you have no business splashing around in the mud!

Humans are the only creatures on this planet that willingly live the same misery over and over again.

You imagine it. You experience it. You remember it.

Too many people continuously convict themselves for past mistakes and mishaps. It makes no sense to constantly punish yourself in the present for an honest mistake you made in the past

“I made an honest mistake. Now I know better, so I’ll do better.”

If that statement is true for you, then you need to give yourself a pardon. Otherwise, you’re convicting the new and improved you (an innocent person) for something that the old you did.

Never convict an innocent person.

Million-Dollar Question:
What do you need to pardon (forgive) yourself for?



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The 5 Soft Skills Clusters

Click here for a list of soft skills definitions, and behavioral indicators.