Maxed Out Your Credit Card?
My first semester in college (Carnegie Mellon University) I maxed out, not one, but two credit cards.
It took me ten years to fix up that mess. (I didn’t have a job so I couldn’t pay the bill. Did I mention…idiot?)
According to research, 50% of all college students max out their credit cards. So, make sure you have limit that you can manage and only use your card for emergencies and necessities…
…not “nice-i-ties”.
Related Articles: 4 Keys for Smart Credit Card Use
- Categories: ArticlesMoney & EntrepreneurshipYoung Adult
Duncan Nugget® #16: Self-Development
Did you know that you become the “average” of the 5 people with whom you associate the most? So…
“If you are the smartest person in your group, you need a new group.”
–Dr. Dennis Kimbro
- Categories: Character DevelopmentDuncan NuggetsPersonal DevelopmentProfessionalSelf-Awareness & PurposeYoung Adult
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