Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training


Connecting with Millennials in Class


Good tips on engaging Millennials in the classroom (for college instructors).

Teaching Generation Y: Reaching Millennials in the College Classroom |


Duncan Nugget® #151: What Drives You?


Are you driven by your dreams or your distractions; your goals or your gaffes; your ideas or your fears? If you don’t know what drives you, you don’t know where you’re going.

Million-Dollar Question:
What drives you to do what you do


WANTED: Education Leaders


Harvard has a new doctoral degree to be focused on leadership in education and…it’s FREE. Read the article by NY Times Op-ED columnist, Bob Herbert.

Op-Ed Columnist – In Search of Education Leaders –

Note: Thanks to Andrew Manns for the heads up.


Duncan Nugget® #41: Size Doesn’t Matter?


It’s not the size of the step; it’s the direction that’s important. People get so frustrated about mistakes and mishaps because they are overwhelmed by the thought of what’s required to make things right.

If you’ve been walking down the wrong path in life, one step in the right direction will put you closer to your goal. Think about that.

If you’ve got a big project to tackle, one step puts you closer to completion.

One step. It’s called progress.

Million-Dollar Question: What is one step you are committed to taking right now?


3 Keys To Connecting With Youth


I just finished reading this article: Millennials and the Future of Television. It’s geared towards people in media and marketing to youth, but I pulled something out of it that can seriously help out young leaders, youth workers, educators, and parents:


Millennials: Raised in the Age of Fallen Heroes?


“I don’t trust nobody and I don’t respect nobody.”

“How come you feel that way?”

You can’t believe nobody nowadays. Even squeaky clean Tiger Woods got caught up.”

–conversation between Al Duncan and one of his teenage mentees on Sat. 11/28/09

Anybody that works with Millennials, especially at-risk youth, knows that one of the hardest things to do is to get them trust you and respect you.

Can you blame them?

They constantly see the squeaky clean get tarnished and the tarnished get worse. Millennials have grown up during a time when heroes and heroines from all walks of life have been caught up in a ridiculous amount of stupidity, deceit, and criminal activity. (And thanks to technology, when a hero falls the whole world knows in a matter of minutes.)



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