Building Your Competitive Advantage
With Awesome Soft Skills Training

FMMS Student Body to Hear Motivational Speaker


Source: FMMS Student Body to Hear Motivational Speaker (pdf)

For Immediate Release: February 9, 2011 (Release #2011- 63)
Contact: Beth McLaughlin, Director of Community & School Affairs, 478-988-6390 ext. 0,

FMMS Student Body to Hear Motivational Speaker

HOUSTON COUNTY, GA – Feagin Mill Middle School will host a multicultural event in observance of Black History Month on Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011, 1:15 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. in the school gym. The student body will hear a presentation by motivational speaker and author Al Duncan.

According to Duncan’s Web site,, “Al Duncan is the leading motivational speaker for at-risk youth and troubled young people. An internationally-recognized authority on youth development and empowerment, Al has delivered Duncan Nuggets™ to over one million young people around the world. He is frequently called upon by the media to share his expertise and he is the author of My Success Journal For Young People and Get ALL Fired Up! He has been awarded the President’s Call to Service Award and The National PTA Life Achievement Award, for his outstanding service in the field of youth development and empowerment. Al was born and raised in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods on the planet in North Philadelphia and by today’s standards, would’ve been labeled an ‘at-risk’ student. When he was 5 years old he was molested by a male friend of the family. Emotionally traumatized, it took him years to remember what happened. At the age of 15, Al’s world was torn to shreds again when he found out that his father, his childhood hero, was addicted to crack cocaine. Al refused to allow his personal problems stop him. He went on to enjoy careers as a professional saxophone player and a professional chef. His father’s struggle and incredible recovery inspired Al to write Duncan Nugget #21: ‘Failure is only permanent if you quit.’”

Read more at his Web site. Feagin Mill Middle School is located at 1200 Feagin Mill Road in Warner Robins. Dr. Jesse Davis serves as principal. For more information, please contact Assistant Principal of Instruction Olethia Thomas at or 478-953-0430, ext. 34414.

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[VIDEO] Duncan Nugget® #108: Smarter than the Average Bear


“I’m smarter than the average bear!”

For weeks, every since he saw the Yogi Bear movie, my son, Mekhi, has been running around saying that quote. It makes him LOL. And he’s making me LOL. But he also brought to mind a nugget I wrote a few years ago:

You can’t build an extraordinary life with ordinary effort.

Think about it.

Yogi was talking about more than brains. He was talking about effort. In order to get what he wanted, Yogi put in waaaaay more effort than your average bear.

In order to have more than the average bear…uh…person has, you must DO more than the average person does. (But keep it legal!)

High achievement and lasting fulfillment are the results of extraordinary effort. So, be smart enough and disciplined enough to put forth extraordinary effort. The pay-off is huge.

Million-Dollar Question:
Are you smarter than the average bear?



National Mentoring Month: Be a Mentor


It’s not too late to do some more good during
National Mentoring Month.


Dress Code

So, what are they saying? You gotta be naked?! lol


Al Duncan Testimonial – U.S. Virgin Islands Dept. of Education


The Virgin Islands Department of Education promoted an initiative to address the needs of our at risk teens throughout our schools and community. We called upon the expert Mr. Al Duncan, to assist in this endeavor. Mr. Duncan’s presentations included a series of workshops which addressed our Youth Empowerment Council in developing a zero tolerance for Gang, Drugs and Violence. Additionally, Mr. Duncan spearheaded and conducted our First Annual Male Empowerment Conference in the V.I.! His astonishing approach in connecting with teens is simply amazing to watch! Mr. Al Duncan’s insightful delivery and ability to identify and address to the needs of our teens kept participants at the edge of their seats! Each attendee certainly left with life changing thoughts and skills which will undoubtedly empower them in creating life changing experiences! The Virgin islands Department of Education salutes Mr. Al Duncan and extends their deepest heartfelt gratitude for stepping up to the challenge and addressing the needs of our future leaders! Cira E. Burke, Director of Interventions for the St. Thomas/St. John School District

Cira E. Burke
V.I. Department of Education


The Spitting Image


(revised from the Al Duncan Archives 2006)

As I travel around the country speaking and mentoring there is a question that continuously comes up.

“What’s wrong with these young people today?”

Grrr… That question drives me bonkers!

The same thing that’s wrong with young people is the same thing that’s wrong with adults: detrimental values. Think about it.

Duncan Nugget® #189

Young people are a reflection of adult values.

You might be thinking:


Give Back Day – Volunteering on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Allstate)


This is cool. In honor of MLK Day Allstate helps you find volunteer opportunities and highlights Give Back Day Heroes. It’s all about service.

Give Back Day Volunteering on Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Duncan Nugget #18:
“Exceptional service to others is the path to greatness.”


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