teamwork & collaboration – soft skills cluster
List of Soft Skills Clusters (Beta – That means I’m still working on this. Thanks for you patience.)
Main Page of Soft Skills Clusters
(Sources listed at the bottom of main page.)
Decision Making & Problem Solving Skills
Teamwork & Collaboration Skills
Self-Management & Professionalism Skills
Leadership, Influence & Persuasion Skills
Key Behavioral indicators
This is how you prove that you have strong teamwork & collaboration skills.
Building and Maintaining Relationships
- Show respect and value for the skills, experiences, creativity, and contributions of group members.
- Adhere to leadership and decision making guidelines.
- Embrace diversity.
- Listen to and acknowledge the feelings, concerns, opinions, and ideas of others.
- Share credit for good ideas with group members.
- Assist others in solving problems and achieving team goals.
- In a respectful manner, give and receive opinions and feedback from group members.
- Define problems and disagreements in a firm, but non-threatening manner.
- Support the efforts and final decisions the team even if not in total agreement.
Achieving Team Goals
- Know your role, your strengths, and how you can best contribute.
- Share information, ideas, and suggestions in a respectful manner.
- Help in identify and achieve goals.
- Help in identify and solve problems.
- Notify others of delays, changes, or problems in a timely manner.
- Do your job. Period.
individual skills & Related terms
These are the skills you want to develop to produce the desired behavioral indicators.
NOTE: Many of skills necessary for effective teamwork and collaboration also fall into other clusters (ex. communication, conflict management, and work ethic.) If you are strong in the other clusters then chances are high that you have the makings of an awesome team player.
Collaboration: To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort; to build collaborative relationships with colleagues and customers; be able to work with diverse teams, negotiate and manage conflicts.
Related terms: diversity, teamwork, team building
Tip: According to research by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, Collaboration/Teamwork in one of the most in demand skills in the job market.
Teamwork: Being able to work, negotiate and manage conflicts with other people with the aim of achieving a common goal. The ability to build collaborative relationships with colleagues and/or customers is crucial to your success.
Related terms: collaboration, diversity, team building
Tip: According to research by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, Collaboration/Teamwork in one of the most in demand skills in the job market.
Read: “The ‘I’ In Team: 4 Philosophies Of An Awesome Team Player”
Team Oriented:
Team Player:
List of Soft Skills Clusters
Main Page of Soft Skills Clusters
(Sources listed at the bottom of main page.)
Decision Making & Problem Solving Skills
Teamwork & Collaboration Skills
Self-Management & Professionalism Skills
Leadership, Influence & Persuasion Skills